Actor-producer Aamir Khan, who will be portraying the role of a 55-year-old man in the upcoming Dangal, said that he had wanted to do the film only after he was 60.
“I had this thing in my mind that I will do the film after five or six years, when I will be 60,” he shared in an interview recently. “I was scared that if I play an old man’s role now, tactically, it won’t be right. Then I called Nitesh (Tiwari) and said I want to hear the story again. After that, I decided to leave logic behind and do the film.”
Dangal is an Indian biographical sports drama directed by Nitesh, who has previously made Chillar Party and Bhootnath Returns. The film sees Aamir portraying the role of Mahavir Singh Phogat, who taught his daughters Babita Kumari and Geeta Phogat how to wrestle. Geeta was India’s first female wrestler to win at the 2010 Commonwealth Games, clinching a gold medal, and Babita won a silver.
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